Thursday 16 May 2013

The Poorest State In Nigeria

The World Bank has revealed that over 70 million Nigerian adults live in Poverty, with Jigawa state having the highest the percentage of poor people.

World Bank Lead Economist, Mr John Litwack, speaking at the media launch of the Nigeria Economic Report (NER) on Monday in Abuja, stated that poverty rates remain high particularly in rural area.

In the report, it was noted that Lagos state had the lowest poverty rate of 22.9 per cent while Jigawa had the highest at 77.5 per cent. The report further showed that poverty is concentrated more in the Northern part of the country as against the South West where the rate of poverty is lowest.

“Enhanced cooperation among the federal and state governments can successfully address all these issues, thereby unlocking enormous potential for growth, job creation, and improvement in the welfare of Nigerian citizens,” the report said.

He insisted that problems in government have hindered the ability of Nigeria to translate its resource wealth into the infrastructure and public services needed for a take-off into sustainable and diversified growth.

Litwack said that to attract foreign investors, it was important that government also tackle the problems of market connectivity and infrastructural deficit.

    “Investors with the potential to set up large scale operations and create jobs will be reluctant to do so if they cannot service a large market. Under these conditions, a number of Nigerian states have limited opportunities to attract significant investors,” he said.

He insisted that problems in government have hindered the ability of Nigeria to translate its resource wealth into the infrastructure and public services needed for a take-off into sustainable and diversified growth.

Speaking at the launch, the World Bank Country Director to Nigeria, Marie Francois Marie-Nelly, said there was need by the government to begin to operate a more stable budget despite volatility in oil prices worldwide.

She urged the government to create a conducive atmosphere for investment to thrive and “the private sector will come in.”

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