Thursday 15 August 2013

5 kinds nigerian drivers keep off

Do you drive in Nigeria? Here is a quick download of the various kinds of drivers to keep off whilst driving. You probably also have your fair share of experiences with these type of drivers or you might actually be one yourself but nonetheless, here is the list below.

The Danfo drivers: Without a doubt, by far the most erratic set of motorists you will find on the road. The ratio of vehicles to motorable roads in densely populated states like Lagos may be highly disproportionate; but don’t ever make the mistake of driving without adequate space (standard safety distance)between your car and these popular commercial mini-buses. These bus drivers seem to have a different kind of blood flowing through them and are dare-devils even in the face of the law or law enforcers. An example that comes to mind is along Ikorodu road, especially along the Ketu axis where these buses conveniently drive on pavements on a daily basis (especially late in the evening) like it’s no man’s business. As for the BRT lanes; these specially segregated lanes are more like testing lanes for checking their vehicles’ quick engine response to sudden acceleration.

Unannounced Learners: Every driver in Nigeria almost as a matter of necessity passes through this phase-well if you didn't quite learn on the road without the big ‘L’, thumbs up to you! The real question here is how does one really identify an unannounced learner? The first sign is the driver’s closeness to the steering; whilst jerking acceleration during traffic jams could pass as a second sign. Other signs are overly tolerant drivers and cars with too many dents on several portions of the car.

Swaying Jumbos: These drivers find it really difficult to maintain a steady drive on a straight path. It might not necessarily reflect driver inexperience because in most cases, it may be due to bad suspension systems and/or poorly aligned vehicles.

Pedal thirsty freaks: These drivers over-speed even on very tight streets and risk the lives of others in the process. The major underlying drive for such high risk behaviour is impatience; which in most cases is masked by secondary reasons like being in a hurry, enjoying driving fast and experiencing boredom. If you love your life, simply stay clear and don’t be one. Another group of drivers that naturally fall under this league of drivers are the drivers of empty full-sized trucks.

Determined Law breakers: Just of recent I witnessed a full-sized MAN truck almost falling on the road in the process of evading arrest by the Nigerian police that kept pursuing with their Toyota hilux van. These individuals will do anything possible to evade the police, FRSC or any other law enforcement personnel. Your natural instincts at this point ought to be telling you to keep off but then, you just might want to watch the whole drama unfold forgetting you need to be alive to even tell the story.

Lastly, it’s very important to note that there are dozens of disgruntled individuals manning most vehicles you find on the road. Most people have lost lives because someone had a bad day; so be very careful, sensitive and focused while driving.

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