Friday 23 August 2013

A Day I Might Never Forget

Hello my dear readers, how has been your week? What I have for you this week is one of my personal experiences. I am sure we all have a day we that we can never forget.
On this fateful day, I was very idle, not engaged in any activity whatsoever. I was lying on my bed around 10:14am, listening to music on the radio, Beat 97.9 Fm, when Lanbel came in. We exchanged pleasantries and asked me if I will like to go with him to Kfat’s place. Kfat’s place is a stone’s-throw from my place. “Why not let’s go” I answered him. We talked and laughed about how our day has been, not knowing that it was just about to begin. When we got to Kfat’s place we were and he was happy to see us too. We played some music, cooked and we had a nice time.

I was feeling hot so I went to the balcony to feel the fresh air then I saw three guys trying to push their car from where it got stuck. They requested for our help, we went there to offer the little assistance that we could. The man that was supposed to drive the car (not the owner) as we pushed it was not perfect. The ignition keeps turning off as he tries to drive the car. I analyzed the reason the ignition keeps going off in front everybody and I continued by saying it is even the same for a bike (machine) too. The way I gave the analysis impressed Kfat. He now asked me if I could ride a bike for real but I answered him “no”. The next thing he said was “let’s give it a try”. 

So from there Kfat, Lanbel and I left for a nearby playing ground to go and ‘learn’ how to ride a bike. Kfat started by giving us theories followed by practices. Lanbel seem to be the fast learner until suddenly when he thought he was perfect. Just like that? While practicing again he asked Kfat that was supporting him on the bike from behind to leave him alone. On motion, Kfat jumped off the bike and left Lanbel alone on the bike. Behold! Lanbel rolled the accelerator of the bike firmly backwards which set the bike on a cruising speed that when calculated was close to 83km/h. Lanbel, on the speeding bike, forgot where the brakes were, and went ahead so fast to hit a big log of wood in front of him. Gboah! 

The bike fell to the left side of the wood, the seat of the bike removed, the plastic that guards the head lamp was found somewhere else and Lanbel himself rolled, in the air, over the log of wood, struggling to get himself back in control. This picture was just like a scene in this old American movie ‘The Hard Way the Only Way’ or Van Damme’s ‘Hard Target’ or Jackie Chan’s ‘Operation Condour’. Lanbel sustained injuries like bruise on his palm and a deep cut on his right toe. I was not left out though when I rode into the bush inside a heavy thick bush leaving me with inflammation and irritation on the left side of my neck.

As if that was not enough, According to this proverb, ‘if a horse should fall you down from his back, get back up and mount the horse again’. Kfat rode on that same bike with Lanbel to the filling station to refuel it while I trekked home. On my way home, a herd of cattle were grazing; they were in my way that I had to jump into mud-covered dirty water to find my way through.
After all these while I was at home, the only thing I could not stop doing was laughing. Each and every time I remember, I will always laugh. As a matter of fact, I’ve started laughing again.

This post was written by

Dixon Damilola PaulI wouldn’t mind if you share with me your experience too. I shall be expecting.
So, my lovely and beautiful readers please follow me every week to read the latest ‘wowing’ thing that has happened. I am sure you too might have one or two wowing thing happened to you and you might wanna share it. If that’s the case, you can send an e-mail to

Alright, again for any suggestions, criticisms, adverts placements and contribution, send an e-mail to, +234803 684 7824(sms only). Thanks.
 Yours, Dique Money.

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