Friday 30 August 2013

Lotto (Baba Ijebu)


Hello people, good to know that you are always there for me. After you are done reading this, I am very sure you will have something to say. Have a nice time reading.
Funny how much young guys nowadays look for money. There are many ways in which young guys and even some old men look for money. The one that got my attention is the one called baba ijebu (lotto). 

This is how it works, you‘ll guess one, two, three, four or five numbers ranging from 1 to 99. There is one, two sure, three direct etc. I keep on asking myself this question; how will you be so sure that the number that you guessed is the one that will come out? Some people will even go ahead to alfa’s place to go and foresee and be able to guess correctly the number. 

There is this thing that amazed me so much that I cannot just be surprised enough. I saw a guy last week having a chat with a mad man, can you ever imagine that?  I was mystified I had to stay and watch where their discussion will end. I did not know I was still going to be surprised when I saw the normal human being handing over a pen and a piece of paper to the mad man. 

He was asking the mad man to put the number that is likely to come out. Funny enough the mad man is mostly right. Hmmm! Do you know what I am thinking right now? I am thinking you might do the same. Wait, did you say God forbid? Well if you did, let me how know far you can go to look for money or tell me the craziest thing that you have done while trying to get money.

I’ll be expecting your feedback. Have a nice time. Ciao.
So, my lovely and beautiful readers please follow me every week to read the latest ‘wowing’ thing that has happened. I am sure you too might have one or two wowing thing happened to you and you might wanna share it. If that’s the case, you can send an e-mail to
Alright, again for any suggestions, criticisms, adverts placements and contribution, send an e-mail to, +234803 684 7824(sms only). Thanks.
 I am Yours, Dique Money.

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